On Guard! Seven Safeguards to Protect Your Sexual Purity

The perfect little book for parents to give their children ages 12 and older. Many stakes and wards have ordered it for their youth and young adults. And they’re loving it!
“I absolutely love this book! It’s amazing and powerful. The safeguards are simple yet can have such an incredible influence on my life . . . Thank you!”— Rachel, 17, Provo, UT
“On Guard! is a must read for every teenager, young adult, bishop, youth leader and parent. It has the power to change behavior and inspire temple worthiness.”— Ed J. Pinegar, CES speaker, co-author of Leadership for Saints

“My boyfriend bought it and we’ve been reading it together. It helps us stay strong. We liked it so much we bought a copy for our bishop. Then he bought a copy for everyone in our singles ward.”—Young adult, Salt Lake City

“This little book changed my life. I now want to live every day worthy to go to the temple, and now I know how to do it. I love this book!”—Young Woman, Las Vegas, NV

“It’s a marvelous book! And badly needed.”—Janice Kapp Perry

What’s In the Book?
If you’re worried about the moral challenges your teenagers face in today’s world then this is the help you’ve been looking for. This little book is packed with inspiring stories and ideas that will captivate and help teens and young adults know what to do. It’s filled with awakening information, powerful scriptures and quotes of church leaders. The Lundbergs have been sharing these ideas at youth conferences and firesides throughout the country, and the response has been overwhelming. Continually young people are saying, “Thank you! This is just what I needed. Now I know what to do.”
More Comments from Readers
“I couldn’t stop reading it. I’m so excited to have this help.”—Sara, 18″I am so impressed with this book. I wish this could be required reading for every teenager, parent and youth leader.”—Darla Isackson, editor, author, mother of 5 sons

“We have a house full of teenagers and young adults and have been looking for help in reenforcing morality. Your book was the answer. We read a chapter a week for our family home evening. Every one of our kids was riveted. No one said, ‘Are we through yet?’ We’re so grateful for this help. Thank you!”—Joni Hilton, CA

On Guard!Soft cover
4 3/4″x 6 1/2″
150 pages

$4.00 (store price $5.98)     $2.50  Shipping in U.S.

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